Movies featuring peter-jackson

No Feat But What We Make: 'Terminator 2' and the Rise of Digital Effects

Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan

The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee

A Passage to Middle-Earth: Making of 'Lord of the Rings'

Nos Bastidores de Hollywood

Beyond the Movie: The Fellowship of the Ring

King Kong: Peter Jackson's Production Diaries

Ringers: Lord of the Fans

Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed

Beyond the Movie: The Return of the King

The Making of the Return of the King

The Quest Fulfilled: A Director's Vision

A Filmmaker's Journey: Making 'The Return of the King'

The Long and Short of It

Film Collectibles: Capturing Movie Memories

The Making of The Fellowship of the Ring

Quest for the Ring

The Making of The Two Towers